November 15, 2023

Take a look at your metal braces and wires in the mirror. Do you spot lingering food particles or plaque on your braces or between your teeth? Your risk of tooth decay and gum disease could increase if you’re not prioritizing your oral hygiene.

Use these tips to maintain healthy teeth and gums while receiving orthodontic treatment. With these tips, you can straighten your teeth while avoiding tooth decay and unsightly stains. Get ready to show off your straight teeth and healthy smile today!

Prioritize Oral Hygiene

Be honest with yourself: are you brushing your teeth twice a day? If not, you’re giving bacteria and food particles time to hide. When you neglect to brush your teeth, saliva, food, and bacteria can create plaque.

Plaque is the tacky, clear substance that can cling onto and between your teeth. Over time, plaque can harden into tartar and release destructive acids.

You could develop tooth decay or an oral disease. Tooth decay is the most common health condition worldwide. About two billion people suffer from permanent teeth cavities.

Brushing your teeth twice a day will remove acid, bacteria, and food particles from tooth surfaces. Otherwise, you’ll leave your teeth vulnerable to white spots, tooth decay, and gum disease.

You could continue struggling with these issues even when you no longer wear braces. Prioritizing your oral health now can help you avoid complications (and expensive treatments) later.

If you wear braces, consider brushing after every meal. You can remove bacteria and food particles before plaque gets the chance to form.

Brushing Technique

You may need to replace your toothbrush more often during your orthodontic treatment. Replace your brush right away if the bristles look worn down. Otherwise, replace it every three months.

When brushing, use a fluoride toothpaste and a small, soft brush. Place the brush at a 45-degree angle against your gums.

Brush with gentle, circular strokes along the gumline. Brush each tooth for about 10 seconds.

Make sure to be gentle. Press the brush firmly enough that the bristles reach between our wire and tooth. Don’t forget to brush around each bracket and wire (including under the wires).

Use a back-and-forth motion when brushing chewing surfaces. Get the inside and outside surface of each tooth.

Don’t forget to replace your elastics when you’re done! Always remove your elastics before brushing.

Get an Interdental Brush

An interdental brush is smaller, which will make it easier for you to reach spaces between your teeth and braces. You can use an interdental brush to clean your metal wires and brackets.

When it’s time to brush and floss your teeth, use the interdental brush first. The smaller brush will loosen and remove debris from our teeth, even when they’re obstructed.

When you’re not home, use an interproximal brush. These small brushes can slip between your teeth and braces. You can use one to remove food from your teeth after meals when you’re on the go.

If you’re still struggling to remove food particles from between your teeth and braces, use a water flosser. A water flosser will use a jet of water to remove stubborn residue. It can tackle hard-to-reach places.

Maintain Healthy Gums

After brushing your teeth, don’t forget to floss. Flossing your teeth can remove food particles and plaque from hard-to-reach areas.

Consider using a floss threader. They’re available in most pharmacies and grocery stores. Floss after every meal for healthy gums.

Neglecting to floss could increase your risk of gingivitis (gum disease). Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums, caused by a bacterial infection. Gingivitis is a major cause of tooth loss and tooth decay in adults.

You could develop gingivitis if plaque extends below your gum line. Your gums could start separating from your teeth. If you experience symptoms, visit your dentist right away to begin treatment.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash will provide your teeth with an extra layer of protection while you receive orthodontic treatment. It can help clean places and kill bacteria your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. Mouthwash also remineralizes your teeth.

Rinse your mouth before brushing your teeth. Afterward, use a high-quality mouthwash to remove lingering bacteria.

Using mouthwash can help protect your teeth from cavities and gums from gingivitis. Continue using mouthwash after treatment to maintain oral health.

Adjust Your Diet

Certain foods can break, bend, or loosen your wires and brackets. Talk to your orthodontist about adjustments you’ll need to make to your diet and foods and drinks to avoid.

For example, they may recommend you avoid hard foods like nuts, apples, and carrots. Consider chopping fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces. Smaller bites will reduce the stress placed on your braces.

You should also avoid sticky foods, including fruit bars, muesli, toffees, and caramels. These foods could get stuck within your braces.

Don’t Skip Appointments

Schedule routine check-ups with your orthodontist. They’ll use these appointments to assess your progress. If necessary, they can complete braces maintenance.

Talk to your SouthShore orthodontist before beginning treatment. They’ll lay out a treatment timeline based on your orthodontic needs. Their timeline will determine how often you need to return for braces maintenance and check-ups.

Schedule appointments with your general dentist every six months. Routine dental cleanings will reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Your dentist can spot issues with your smile before complications develop.

Healthy Smiles During Orthodontic Treatment

Prioritizing your oral hygiene is essential while you receive orthodontic treatment. Otherwise, trapped plaque and food particles can increase your risk of tooth decay. Use these tips to maintain a healthy smile while wearing braces.

Don’t neglect your braces maintenance! The team at SouthShore Orthodontics strives to provide the best orthodontic care in the greater Tampa Bay area.

We’re focused on making every patient’s orthodontic treatment enjoyable. Contact us today for help maintaining your oral health during and after treatment!

October 27, 2023

Braces were once considered a status symbol, a sign of wealth and prestige. Surprising, isn’t it? Today, they’re a common dental treatment, but there’s so much more to know about these tooth-aligning devices.

In this article, we’ll delve into seven captivating facts about braces that go beyond the dental chair. Learn about NASA’s surprising role in orthodontics, the costliest braces, and how braces are not exclusive to humans.

We’ll also explore the psychology behind a straighter smile, the influence pop culture has on the stigma of wearing braces, and some truly bizarre materials used in the past.

Ready to uncover the fascinating world of braces? Keep reading to expand your knowledge.

1. Braces Were Once a Status Symbol

In the early 20th century, metal braces were far from commonplace. They were a luxury, a sign of affluence and social standing. If you had braces, it meant your family could afford top-notch dental care, a luxury that was out of reach for most.

Over time, advances in technology and materials made braces more accessible to the public. This shift not only democratized the path to a straighter smile but also changed the cultural perception of braces.

Braces are now common for people who want to improve their dental health and appearance, not just for the wealthy elite.

2. NASA’s Contribution to Orthodontics

You might think NASA is all about rockets and space exploration. But here’s a twist: they’ve also had a hand in your dental health. NASA developed a nickel-titanium alloy for spacecraft, and it turns out this material had properties ideal for orthodontics.

The nickel-titanium alloy is flexible yet strong, making it perfect for the wires in braces. This innovation led to braces that are more effective and require fewer adjustments. It’s a prime example of how advancements in one field can have unexpected but beneficial impacts on another.

3. Braces Aren’t Just for Humans

It may come as a surprise, but braces aren’t exclusive to humans. In the veterinary world, orthodontic care has been extended to animals like dogs and cats. These pets sometimes require braces for medical reasons, such as difficulty eating or jaw misalignment.

The use of braces in animals serves as a testament to the importance of dental health across species. It also highlights the adaptability of orthodontic technology to meet diverse needs.

Orthodontics has more uses than people think, even though it mostly focuses on human dental care.

4. The Psychology of a Straighter Smile

A straighter smile can boost your mental game. Straightening crooked teeth can lead to feeling more confident, and let’s face it, confidence can be a game-changer. It can make you stand out in social settings, help you nail that job interview, and even improve your overall mood.

This confidence isn’t just in your head; it shows in how you carry yourself and interact with others. It’s like a ripple effect that starts with a simple smile but ends up influencing various aspects of your life.

So, while braces may be a dental tool, their impact is felt far beyond your mouth.

5. Braces in Pop Culture and Celebrity Influence

Braces have made their mark in pop culture, often seen on the smiles of famous figures and characters in movies and TV shows. Celebrities like Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning have sported braces, making headlines and influencing public perception.

The visibility of braces in the media has helped normalize them, especially among younger audiences. When a well-known celebrity gets braces, it becomes a talking point, often encouraging others to consider orthodontic treatment. It’s not just about straightening teeth; it’s about breaking down stigmas and making braces more socially acceptable.

This celebrity influence has a trickle-down effect. It shapes societal views, making braces less of an awkward phase and more of a common, even trendy, experience.

The impact extends beyond individual choices to embrace orthodontic care, contributing to a broader cultural acceptance of braces.

6. Unusual Materials Used in the Past

The journey of braces is a tale of innovation and, believe it or not, some rather strange materials. In the early days, braces were made from materials like ivory, wood, and even copper bands. These rudimentary designs were far from comfortable and often led to various dental issues.

Fast forward to the 20th century, and materials like stainless steel became the norm, offering better durability and comfort. Today, we have even more advanced options like clear aligners made from medical-grade plastic and nickel-titanium wires, thanks to NASA’s contributions to the field.

The evolution of materials used in braces is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of better dental care. It’s fascinating to see how far we’ve come, from crude early versions to the highly effective and aesthetically pleasing options available today.

Beyond the Brackets: Facts About Braces

We’ve journeyed through seven compelling facts about braces that go beyond just straightening teeth. From their historical role as a status symbol to NASA’s surprising contributions, and even the psychological benefits of a straighter smile.

If you’re now considering taking the leap into the world of orthodontics, or simply have more questions, we’re here to help. Call us today to discover your personalized treatment plan and take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile!

October 23, 2023

There’s nothing quite so alluring as Halloween’s creep factor and sweet celebrations. However, when you or your child has braces, it’s important to select safe foods that won’t interfere with orthodontic devices. Read on to learn what foods to avoid with braces (and what you can indulge in instead).

Sticky Foods to Avoid with Braces

Sticky foods and chewy foods are a serious risk to dental devices, as they can get stuck in between brackets and wires. They can also damage your braces or dislodge them, which means an emergency trip to the orthodontist and missed festivities.

Sticky treats to avoid include:

  • Caramel candy
  • Taffy
  • Starburst
  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Airheads
  • Skittles
  • Candy corn
  • Jelly beans
  • Gum
  • Rice Krispies treats

Hard Candy: Another Thing to Reject

Hard candy also never qualifies as braces-friendly food. Sucking on it is a lot of work for your mouth. It’s also normal to unconsciously bite down on hard candy, which could crack or chip a tooth. It could crack your braces or dislodge the glue on one of the brackets.

Some hard candies to avoid this Halloween are:

  • Caramel hard candy like Werther’s
  • Toffee (this could be a double whammy if it’s sticky)
  • Lemon drops
  • Jolly Ranchers
  • Lemon Heads
  • Lifesavers
  • Malt Balls

Anything with nuts in it is also a no-go. This means chocolate bars like Snickers and Ferrero Rocher.

What About Invisalign?

Note that all these restrictions also apply to people with Invisalign, unless you remove the device first. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option that uses clear, removable trays to straighten your teeth. They can be especially convenient during the holiday season. If you remember to take them out before indulging in something chewy or hard, you’ll be good to go!

The Award for “Worst Halloween Treat with Braces” Goes To…

Unfortunately, there’s one treat synonymous with Halloween that you should say no to this year. That’s the caramel apple. It’s easily the No. 1 worst thing you can eat when you have braces.

You’re dealing with the stickiness of caramel, but you’re also contending with the hard crunch of an apple. This means you’ll need a really hard bite, and apples are already one of the worst foods for braces.

Delicious Halloween Candy Alternatives

People love chocolate for tons of reasons. It has a unique and delicious flavor. It’s rich and can be creamy.

But the #1 reason people love chocolate is that it can melt in the mouth. This is why it’s a great braces-friendly food. Just make sure that your chocolate doesn’t have nuts inside.

This Halloween, indulge in chocolate candies like:

  • Mini chocolate bars (Hershey’s, Kit Kat, Three Musketeers)
  • Reese’s peanut butter cups (or other brands)
  • Reese’s Pieces
  • Hershey’s Kisses (without nuts)
  • Plain M&Ms

How Hard Is Too Hard for Hard Candy?

It’s best to avoid hard candy if it has a texture like a Jolly Rancher. Stick with soft foods or go for powder-based candy, which is a safe food for braces.

Make sure to brush really well after eating them, though. They’re basically just sugar, so they’ll cause cavities fast if you’re not careful.

Candies you can have include:

  • Pixy Stix
  • Smarties
  • SweeTARTS (though not the chewable kind!)
  • Pez
  • Powder-based candy

Other Treats Kids and Adults Love

You can enjoy other braces-friendly holiday recipes this Halloween, too. Pumpkin-flavored treats like doughnuts, cookies, and pies are delicious and safe foods to eat.

Cake pops also work wonders if you’re looking for a fun Halloween treat. You also might enjoy apple-flavored treats like cider doughnuts, pie, and Danishes.

Just make sure that they have a soft texture rather than a crunchy one.

SouthShore is Here to Help

At SouthShore Orthodontics, we’re committed to giving you all the information you need to stay smart this Halloween. Schedule an appointment to learn more about caring for your braces during the holiday season. We’ll also help you schedule an appointment to make sure everything stayed in place after the holiday is over.

September 28, 2023

In the early 1700s, dental genius Pierre Fauchard shook the world with a simple yet transformative idea – using wire and bracket braces to realign teeth. Fast-forward to today, when this revelation has evolved dramatically and new types of braces have been introduced.

How so? Welcome to the era of invisible braces! These modern marvels promise the same alignment results without the conspicuous appearance of traditional braces.

Do you want to straighten your teeth, but want to avoid the look of traditional metal braces? Read on to learn the best invisible braces solutions available to ensure your smile is both captivating and confident!

Behind-teeth Braces: Hidden Alignment Magic

As the world of orthodontics continues to evolve, patients and orthodontists alike search for solutions that combine efficacy with discretion. This is where behind-teeth braces come into play.

Unlike their front-facing counterparts, these braces sit comfortably behind your teeth. This makes them virtually invisible to the casual observer. But don’t let their covert nature fool you. They pack the same punch in terms of alignment power.

One might wonder about the comfort aspect of these braces. After all, they occupy a space that hasn’t traditionally housed braces.

Interestingly, many patients report getting used to them just as quickly as conventional braces. Plus, there’s a certain confidence that comes with knowing your orthodontic journey remains your secret.

Clear Braces: A Subtle Shift to Perfection

When we say clear braces – also known as ceramic braces – we’re referring to a more modern and refined version of traditional metal braces. The difference? These braces use clear or tooth-colored brackets and wires, which make them far less noticeable.

The magic of clear braces is that they maintain the structural integrity and functionality of the metal originals, yet offer a more aesthetically pleasing experience.

A question that frequently pops up is about their durability. Can something so delicate-looking stand up to the rigors of everyday life? Absolutely. Clear braces have been crafted with modern materials that ensure strength without compromising on appearance.

Invisalign: A Modern Solution to a Traditional Problem

Invisalign is a name that has almost become synonymous with clear aligners. These removable, transparent trays are custom-made for each patient and are designed to gradually shift teeth into the desired position. Their clear nature makes them a favorite among those wary of the “metal mouth” label.

But it’s not just about looks. Invisalign treatments offer a level of convenience and flexibility not seen with traditional braces. For example, you can remove Invisalign aligners for meals and special occasions. Plus, their smooth design ensures no unwelcome scratches or pokes.

Of course, as with all treatments, discipline is crucial. For the best results, wearers should keep them in for the recommended 20 to 22 hours a day.

A vital point of consideration is the need for regular adjustments. Unlike traditional braces that require tightening, Invisalign users transition to a new set of aligners every couple of weeks. It’s a dance of precision and patience that leads to beautifully aligned teeth.

Simply SouthShore Aligners: In-house Care & Innovation

Our Simply SouthShore aligners are custom designed for you in-house. We use digital scanning and 3D-printing technology, meaning ill-fitting and uncomfortable aligners are a thing of the past.

By using advanced, in-house technology, we keep the overall cost of your treatment low while exponentially increasing the quality of your care. Plus, you can trust that you are in the right hands, as the entire process is overseen by Dr. Matt Ahrens. The treatment is perfect for patients who are looking to straighten their teeth, have previously undergone orthodontic treatment, or have teeth that are only slightly out of alignment.

Benefits of Simply SouthShore Treatment:

  • Perfect for re-treatment
  • In-house customization and manufacturing
  • Comfortable
  • Affordable
  • Faster treatment times
  • Doctor-designed and directed

Criteria to Consider for Invisible Braces

Advancements in orthodontic treatments offer an array of choices. This makes deciding on one both exciting and a tad overwhelming. Whether you’re grappling with the decision of clear braces vs. Invisalign or trying to figure out the best invisible braces for you, there are several criteria to keep in mind.

Lifestyle Compatibility

The foremost thing to consider is how the braces fit into your daily life. For people with an active lifestyle or who frequently engage in public speaking, traditional braces might be a hindrance. Opting for invisible braces could be the answer as they allow for orthodontic treatment without drawing undue attention.

Duration of Treatment

Treatment times vary. Some options, like Invisalign, promise quicker results for minor adjustments, while traditional clear braces might be more effective for significant realignments.

It’s essential to have a clear conversation with your orthodontist about the expected duration of any treatment you’re considering.

Maintenance and Care

While removable braces sound appealing, they come with the responsibility of maintaining them. For example, you’ll need to clean Invisalign trays regularly to avoid staining and to maintain oral hygiene.

In contrast, fixed clear braces might require less daily maintenance. However, they need more attention during regular cleaning to avoid staining the brackets.

Comfort and Ease

Let’s face it – no one wants to be in constant discomfort. Some people find the smooth texture of aligner trays more comfortable than the brackets and wires of traditional braces.

However, the periodic change of aligner trays can sometimes cause temporary discomfort as teeth move. It’s a personal choice, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Cost Implications

Orthodontic treatments are an investment in your smile and overall dental health. The costs can vary substantially based on the type of treatment.

In general, custom solutions like Invisalign might have a higher upfront cost compared to other clear brace options. However, you’ll need to consider not just the initial price but any additional costs that might crop up during treatment.

Effectiveness of Your Dental Situation

Not all dental misalignments are the same. Some require more intensive interventions than others.

Invisalign might be the ideal solution for minor spacing issues or slight crowding. More complex cases, however, might benefit from the precision of clear braces.


Lastly, while the main goal is to achieve a perfect smile, the journey matters too. Is the idea of visible brackets, no matter how clear, a deterrent? Then virtually invisible aligners might be more your style.

Achieve Your Perfect Smile

Embracing the future of orthodontics means gravitating toward solutions that are efficient, aesthetic and tailored to your needs. While the world of invisible braces can be overwhelming, a little knowledge goes a long way.

At SouthShore Orthodontics, we offer a variety of treatment options to fit your unique needs. Our expert orthodontists Dr. Matt Ahrens and Dr. Mary Awadallah can provide you with customized treatment options using the latest technology, such as Inbrace, Invisalign and Simply SouthShore Aligners.

At SouthShore Orthodontics, we’re committed to cutting-edge techniques and personalized care. This ensures that every patient’s journey is not just about straightening teeth but about enhancing smiles and boosting confidence.

Ready to take the next step towards your radiant smile? Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!

September 12, 2023

About 76% of people base first impressions on another person’s smile. Another 68% say people who smile are more trustworthy, confident, and approachable. Unfortunately, three in five Americans hate how their smile looks in photos.

If you’re unhappy with your smile, SouthShore Orthodontics offers Invisalign treatment options for all ages. Schedule a free consultation with one of our board-certified orthodontists today to see if Invisalign is right for you. Discover 7 amazing benefits of this orthodontic treatment!

1. Avoid Decay

Plaque, bacteria, and food particles have more places to hide when your teeth stick out. The gaps between your teeth can also make it more difficult for you to effectively brush and floss. Without orthodontic care, your risk of tooth decay could increase.

Tooth decay begins when food and bacteria mix, forming plaque. Plaque is the tacky, clear substance that clings onto and between your teeth.

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign will give food particles and bacteria fewer places to hide.

2. Promote Healthier Gums

You can get straight teeth and close the gaps between your teeth with Invisalign treatment. Failing to thoroughly brush and floss in between the gaps in your teeth can lead to plaque formation. Excessive plaque can increase your risk of gum disease as well.

Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath (that doesn’t go away)
  • Sensitivity
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Changes in your bite
  • Gums that recede from your teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Tender gums

If these symptoms sound familiar, seek treatment for gingivitis right away. When left untreated, gum disease can progress. As your gums recede, your risk of losing teeth will increase.

3. Prevent Teeth Grinding

You might start grinding your teeth if they’re not properly aligned. Bruxism (teeth grinding) throughout the night can wear down your protective tooth enamel. Your risk of tooth decay could increase as a result.

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign can help. Wearing clear, plastic aligners at night can protect your teeth from bruxism. Neglecting treatment, on the other hand, can lead to complications.

4. Open Your Airways

Orthodontic issues can cause you to develop sleep apnea. Symptoms include morning headaches, gasping for air while you sleep, and daytime sleepiness. Failing to get enough sleep at night will affect your ability to function during the day.

Straightening your teeth with Invisalign could treat the underlying cause of your sleep apnea. You’ll have an easier time falling and staying asleep each night.

Neglecting treatment can increase your risk of heart problems, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

5. Create Implant Space

Are you missing a tooth? The surrounding teeth might begin leaning toward the gap, and your teeth may begin appearing crooked while also leaving no space for a dental implant.

Beginning orthodontic treatment with Invisalign can help create space for an implant. Once your implant is in place, you can avoid other issues.

Together, these treatment options can restore the appearance and functionality of your smile.

6. Get a Confidence Boost

One of the top benefits of Invisalign treatment is its ability to improve self-confidence.

Straightening your teeth will make you feel more comfortable smiling in public or for photos. Smiling will boost the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin.

Invisalign is also a discrete treatment option, making it ideal for adults.

You won’t have to feel self-conscious about someone noticing your aligners. They’re created from clear, thin plastic. While metal braces and wires will affect the appearance of your smile, Invisalign won’t!

7. Correct Your Bite

Invisalign treatment can help correct a variety of bite issues. The most common bite issues include:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites

You can talk to your orthodontist to determine if Invisalign will treat your bite issues. Its effectiveness will depend on the severity of your orthodontic problem.


An overbite, or an overjet, will cause the top teeth to stick out from the lower teeth. This gap between your teeth can cause additional issues. For example, your teeth will appear exposed when you close your mouth.

Your risk of sustaining an injury could increase as a result.

An overbite can also cause discomfort or make it more difficult to chew. Over time, you might develop jaw pain or speech problems.

Invisalign will gradually move your jaws into alignment. They can help you achieve a healthy gap between your lower and upper teeth.


An underbite indicates your bottom teeth are in front of your top teeth when you close your mouth. You can develop an underbite due to:

  • Tumors
  • Trauma
  • Genetics
  • Sucking your thumb as a child

You could develop sleep apnea, mouth breathing, or difficulty chewing from an underbite.

It’s easier to treat underbites in younger patients who still have developing jaws. However, treatment is ideal for adults as well. The aligners will readjust your lower jaw to ensure that it’s in the proper position.


If you have a crossbite, your bottom teeth sit in front of your upper teeth. Patients either have a front or backcross bite. You can develop a crossbite due to poor oral care habits, genetics, or an early loss of your baby teeth.

Your aligners will pull the teeth that are sticking out back into place. You can achieve proper alignment to improve your smile.

If you have a crossbite due to a jaw development issue, you might need to combine multiple treatments. Talk to your local orthodontists. They’ll evaluate your dental health to determine the best option.

Open Bite

An open bite occurs when the bottom and top teeth don’t touch or overlap when you close your mouth. This is the least common alignment issue of the four. However, it can still affect your oral and physical well-being.

Neglecting to fix an open bite can lead to speech issues.

Over time, you could wear down the protective tooth enamel on your back teeth. Your risk of breaking or chipping a tooth will increase.

Get Invisalign in Riverview Today

If you need orthodontic treatment, look no further! Getting Invisalign in Riverview, Fla., will more than straighten your smile. It will also benefit your oral and overall health.

Our expert orthodontists will take the time to review your unique situation to help create a personalized Invisalign treatment plan just for you.

Contact SouthShore Orthodontics today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about your Invisalign treatment options.

August 31, 2023

Did you know that as many as 75% of children could benefit from braces?

It’s crucial to do everything you can to improve your child’s dental care and oral health. Are you wondering if your child needs braces to ensure straight teeth and a healthy smile?

Read on to discover ways to find the best orthodontist near you.

Double-Check Qualifications and Credentials

Are you stumped about where to begin your search for the right orthodontist? If so, you should know how important it is to pick someone who is well-trained and boasts the right qualifications. You should find an orthodontist who has finished all the schooling and training needed to care for teeth.

Are you unsure how to tell who is qualified and who isn’t? It’s a good idea to check if they have the proper documents. For instance, most established dentists have their educational achievements framed on their office walls.

Also, see if they’re part of influential groups like the American Association of Orthodontists. This helps you know they’re a good choice and can give your child the best care.

You and your child will have peace of mind by going the extra mile and confirming their skills. This fact can even help your kid know that they’re in safe hands before undergoing any orthodontic treatment.

At Southshore Orthodontics, Dr. Matt Ahrens and Dr. Mary Shehata are board-certified, and professional affiliations include the American Association of Orthodontists and the Florida Dental Association.

Oral Care Experience Can Make a Huge Difference

Are you still hesitant about your dentist options? Experience counts when it comes to taking care of your child’s teeth. It’s better to go for an orthodontist who has worked with kids for a long time.

This is because they know how to make kids feel comfortable and unafraid. They also know the best ways to treat dental problems most associated with children.

When choosing an orthodontist, look for someone with a long track record working with children. They’ll know what to do to make the treatment go well.

From using lollipops to kneeling to their level, an experienced orthodontist can handle any issues that might come up. Instead of having to reschedule, they can soothe your child’s worries.

This makes the whole process smoother for everyone involved. The dentist should take the time to answer your questions and tell you what to expect.

Comprehensive Services Ensure Customization

Getting the right care for your child’s teeth can make all the difference. That’s why it’s a good idea to pick an orthodontist who offers many treatment options. When an orthodontist has comprehensive services, you can choose between different options for making your child’s teeth better.

For example, some kids might need traditional braces with metal wires. Others may prefer clear aligners that are less noticeable. Having choices means you and your child can decide together what works best for their situation.

Having comprehensive services also means the dentist can create a treatment plan that fits your child’s unique needs. They’ll know which treatment will work better for your child’s teeth.

It should never be a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you should expect a treatment plan  tailored for your kid.

Another good thing about comprehensive services is that the orthodontist can adjust the plan. This will help if your child’s needs change during treatment. Since they have different options to choose from, they can find the best way to help your child’s teeth stay on track.

At SouthShore Orthodontics we specialize in skilled pediatric care. Our expert orthodontists will take the time to assess your child’s unique situation to provide a personalized treatment plan.

The Consultation Is a Vital Step Toward Straight Teeth

At some point in your search, you’ll have a list of your top dentist options. Prioritize an orthodontist who values open communication and provides a thorough consultation.

During the consultation, the orthodontist should assess your child’s oral health and discuss potential treatment plans. They should have no problem addressing any questions or concerns you may have. This is also an excellent opportunity to see how they interact with your pride and joy.

Effective communication ensures that you and your child understand the treatment process and what you should anticipate.

Our comprehensive consultations at SouthShore Orthodontics include an x-ray and a customized treatment plan!

See What Other Parents Have Said About Orthodontic Care

Before jumping into a decision, take the time to read reviews from other parents and patients.

Positive feedback can provide insights into the quality of care and the orthodontist’s approach to treatment. Negative reviews are also worth reading because they help recognize possible red flags.

We’re proud to provide the best care in Riverview, Fla. — the proof is in our patient testimonials.

Look for a Convenient Location for Braces in Tampa, Florida

Orthodontic treatment often calls for several or more appointments over an extended period.

Choosing an orthodontist with a convenient office location and flexible scheduling options can simplify the treatment journey. Consider an orthodontist whose office is accessible from home, work, or your child’s school.

Financial Considerations for Invisalign in Riverview

There’s no denying that orthodontic treatment is a long-term investment in your child’s oral health and confidence. Before finalizing your choice, ask about the cost of treatment.

You should also find out about available payment plans. It’s important to know whether the orthodontist accepts your insurance or not.

A transparent discussion about financial matters helps you plan for the cost of treatment without any surprises.

Are You Ready to See the Best Orthodontist in Tampa?

SouthShore Orthodontics is here to help. Our board-certified, experienced dentists use the latest and greatest technology to provide the most thorough orthodontic care. We take our time to provide a personalized treatment plan to fit your child’s unique needs. Plus, we offer flexible payment plans and financing options to fit every budget.

We’d love to see your kid smile, so schedule an appointment with SouthShore Orthodontics today.

June 6, 2022

You always want to see that little smile reemerge. After all, what better feeling is there as a parent than to know that your child is both happy and healthy?

That being said, when they do eventually pucker their lips in pain or discomfort, you’ll be left weighing the best options for their long-term well-being.

Thus, when it comes to cavities, you might ask yourself: Is it better to fill or to pull the baby tooth?

Why Primary Teeth Are A Priority

While many parents might think that pulling baby teeth because of a cavity is no big deal, the reality is that these little teeth play an important role despite their temporary nature.

“Baby teeth hold space for adult teeth growing in the jaw,” the Early Childhood Knowledge & Learning Center explains. “If a baby tooth is lost too early, other teeth that are already in the mouth will move into the space. It can block out the adult tooth trying to come in and cause crowding.”

What’s more, if a baby tooth comes out prematurely, the crooked teeth may also cause a misalignment of the child’s jaw as the adult teeth grow in.

Thus, we encourage you not to take these teeth too lightly.

To Fill Or To Pull

“Baby teeth (primary teeth) are meant to fall out on their own to make room for permanent adult teeth (secondary teeth),” according to Healthline. “This typically occurs when children are 6 or 7 years old.”

In other words, while you can pull a baby tooth, we generally do not recommend it unless the cavity is severe enough that immediate removal becomes necessary. Otherwise, simply filling the tooth should be adequate.

As reported by Hopkins Medicine, “in most cases, [tooth decay] treatment requires removing the decayed part of the tooth and replacing it with a filling.”

This solution is both simpler and more capable of mitigating further orthodontic complications down the line.

Calling The Cavalry On Cavities

If your child has lost a tooth prematurely — or even started to develop dental misalignment despite an ordinary process of losing their baby teeth — you always want to put their smiles into hands you can trust.

And that’s why, here at SouthShore Orthodontics, we offer exceptional service in a relaxing environment!

No matter the age of our patient, we have a variety of solutions and advanced technology to treat their needs:

Additionally, we always want to provide your family with peace of mind. To learn more about how we can help you or your child develop a healthier, happier smile, contact our office today by calling 813-815-0080!

May 21, 2022

You’re probably not new to the idea of orthodontic care, regardless of whether or not you’ve received it yourself in the past.

But just because the treatment itself doesn’t sound new, that doesn’t mean it will actually be the same this time around. But don’t worry — we actually mean this in a good way!

In other words, what we’re trying to say is that modern technology allows us to now customize smile treatments more than ever before. Here’s what this might mean for you:

Considerations Involved in Custom Smiles

A custom smile is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: dental and orthodontic care that is specially tailored to your unique smile!

In particular, customization may come into play when it comes to your tooth color. Porcelain crowns, for example, need to match the surrounding teeth in both shade and hue in order to not stand out.

Today, the continual rise of dental technology is largely to thank for such individualized care and solutions.

How Custom Smiles Align with Your Goals

One of the most important instances wherein a patient needs a custom smile design? When it comes to orthodontic realignment.

Particularly if the patient will be utilizing clear aligners to achieve a straighter smile, the trays themselves must be customized if they are to successfully guide the teeth into place without causing any harm to the jaw or other facial features.

And that’s where revolutionary digital technology comes in! By generating 3D scans of a patient’s dental landscape, the orthodontist may provide treatments that are increasingly…

  • Comfortable
  • Discreet
  • Efficient
  • And more

What’s more? Invisalign isn’t necessarily your only option for custom aligners.

State-of-the-Art Smiles with SouthShore Orthodontics

Here at SouthShore Orthodontics, we don’t just offer Invisalign — we also provide our own in-house manufactured aligners: Simply SouthShore!

Simply Southshore is doctor-designed and directed by our very own Dr. Matt Ahrens. Additionally, both the digital scanning and 3D printing processes are completed on-site, meaning you or your child will be able to undergo treatment sooner and for a more affordable price.

“This product is great for the individual who maybe previously had some orthodontic treatment and in the years since has had some shifting occur,” Dr. Ahrens explains.

And if clear aligners aren’t the best treatment for your smile, we can also provide other customized treatments using:

So, are you ready to receive exceptional orthodontic service in a relaxing environment? Then it’s time to reach out to SouthShore Orthodontics! Smile bigger, smile healthier, and smile longer. Call us today at 813-815-0080 today to schedule your appointment for customized care.

April 13, 2022

One of the factors most likely to deter patients from taking the plunge with traditional braces? The metal.

From the discomfort of the brackets pushing against the soft skin inside the cheek to the general insecurity that comes with a smile full of metal, let’s be honest: many patients are looking for an alternative that brings them both physical and emotional comfort.

And if you’re beginning to wonder what that all may entail, we’re here to answer your questions:

#1 — What Alternatives Are There?

If a patient needs the strength of traditional brackets and wires but would also prefer a more discreet solution, ceramic braces offer the ideal middle ground. This is because “the ceramic material used in these braces can be either clear or tooth-colored,” Healthline explains.

Invisible aligners, too, can shift the teeth back into alignment without drastically changing the appearance of one’s smile during treatment. A patient needs only to wear and clean their trays regularly — which will then be changed every six weeks or so to continue the orthodontic process.

Finally, INBRACE is the newest alternative to traditional braces. Some patients are simply ineligible for invisible aligners, as the work they need is too extensive. Thankfully, INBRACE involves the application of metal wires and brackets behind the teeth, rendering them the most discreet option available.

#2 — What Alternatives Are Right for Me?

The option that is best suited to a patient depends entirely on their individual smile. Even if a patient has an idea of what kind of treatment they want, they may need another form of orthodontic care.

That’s why you should never order invisible aligners online without first consulting an orthodontist.

“Because of orthodontists’ extensive education and familiarity with the many types of ‘appliances’ (devices used to move teeth/align jaws) available, they can knowledgeably suggest what is right for you, based on your treatment goals and lifestyle needs,” according to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAC).

For example, as mentioned previously, invisible aligners cannot be used to correct all smiles. This includes instances of…

  • Overcrowding
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • And more

#3 — Who Should I Seek Treatment With?

At the end of the day, what kind of treatment you’ll undergo, as well as how long it may take, will depend entirely on what you and your chosen orthodontic team agree on. Thus, you’ll want to find a trusted orthodontist with a history of providing comprehensive treatment.

So why not reach out to SouthShore Orthodontics?

When you work with our team, you’ll find exceptional results in a welcoming environment for patients of all ages! What’s more, we offer Invisalign in addition to Simply SouthShore, custom-made clear aligners that are printed right here in our own office!

Call our office today at (813) 815-0080 today to schedule your FREE consultation.

March 13, 2022

Patience may be a virtue, but let’s face it — we all want beautiful smiles sooner rather than later. And when you’re preparing to go undergo orthodontic care, it’s natural that you find yourself wondering…

Just how long will this take?

Don’t worry! If you’re in a rush for answers, we’ll get you up to speed in no time:

Filing Through the Factors and Variations

The amount of time one will undergo orthodontic treatment can vary widely based on their individual situation. For example, clear aligners and braces typically involve different timeframes.

“A comprehensive 2019 study found that people with clear aligners wore them for a shorter amount of time than those with traditional metal braces,” according to Healthline. “But those wearing clear aligners had less severe alignment issues than those wearing metal braces.”

Specifically, treatment involving clear aligners may take up to 12 to 18 months on average.

Other factors that may influence how long treatment will take include:

  • Age
  • Bone density
  • Jaw alignment
  • Overcrowding
  • Teeth gaps
  • Material preference
  • And more

Back to Braces Basics

Generally speaking, fixed braces — which may be traditional metal or ceramic — take a minimum of a year on average. In particular, the Oral Health Foundation specifies that it may take between 12 to 24 months overall, depending on the patient.

“Patients with braces typically visit the orthodontist every six to ten weeks, until teeth are aligned properly,” the American Association of Orthodontics explains (AAO).

Oftentimes, this is because patients who need fixed braces don’t just need an alignment of their teeth, but they may also need a correction of their jaw in the cases of an under- or over-bite. Such patients are not eligible for clear aligners.

Seamless Smiles with SouthShore Orthodontics

Overall, the good news is that “orthodontic treatment often is more comfortable and takes less time than it did years ago,” as reported by the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA).

What’s more, when you choose to see the orthodontic experts at SouthShore Orthodontics, you’ll also get exceptional results in a welcoming environment!

Here at SouthShore Orthodontics, we offer a variety of braces for all ages as well as Simply SouthShore — custom-fit clear aligners made in-house just for you! Regardless of what you need, you’ll find a renewed smile and a relaxing team when you visit.

Learn more or schedule with us today by calling (813) 815-0080!